As a designer/artist myself, there is nothing more stultifying to free personal expression than claustrophobic life in a highly controlling religious institution. (How did you manage it CC?) -- Half banana
I couldn't manage any longer. So much was demanded of us young, early-20s brothers. We never got a break from nonstop Theocratic Activity, both at Bethel and in the congregation. I had to leave before my four years, in despair because I loved my work there. This was long before knowing TTATT.
I'd like Compound Complex ( madly hard work, I know) or any other pro artist to tell us, over the years if it's the SAME lion??!! My husband and I have a bet that its CLarence the cross eyed lion ( with eyes now paradise PERFECT, obvs!!! )!
Co Complex I used to think it was all bunkum but I *do* take the advice of professional artists as to whether there is, or has been in the past, some kind of subliminal craziness going on. -- Diogenesister
I will have to look into this, Dgs; however, I discovered, when at Bethel, at least two (more?) mistakes in the non-colorized drawings in Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God. One was the incompletely rendered railing of the podium where a beardless Jesus was addressing the Jews. ('Today, this scripture has been fulfilled.') Another, a little girl playing with a huge, maned lion in Paradise. The head was outsize, the body diminutive.
I cannot recall if these artists' errors were ever corrected.